Category Archives: The Make Room

Make Room Launch Night

Here are some photos from before and during the Launch Event at the Make Room Exhibition in Alloa in June/July 2010.

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The Make Room

Thank you very much to everyone who came along and supported us by checking out our exhibition at The Make Room in Alloa last week. Especially at the launch. The turnout was fantastic. There are pictures on the Facebook page and they should appear here soon.

Thank you, as well, to all the artists who contributed pieces for display. It wouldn’t have been much of an exhibition without you!!

Thank you to everyone who gave time to sit and manage the exhibition. I know it can’t have been easy being in there all day! And last, but not least, thanks to everyone involved in all the ‘behind-the-scenes’ work, setting up and taking down. A lot of vital effort went into it all.

Looking forward to getting the chance to do it all again!