About Mental Health

Did You Know…?

One in four people in Scotland will experience some kind of mental health problem in a course of a year.

Almost three quarters of people in Scotland know someone close to them who has been diagnosed with a mental health problem at some point – Mental Health Foundation 2009

It is estimated that approximately 450 million people worldwide have a mental health problem – World Health Organisation 2001

At one time or another we are all bound to know at least one person experiencing mental ill health, or associated problems, which can manifest in a wide range of emotional and psychological ways. We may be affected for weeks, a few months, or our whole lives. Anyone can suffer from mental distress and ill health – it does not respect barriers of class, sex, age, creed or ethnic background. – www.seemescotland.org.uk

Reachout supports 118 local people from throughout Forth Valley to participate in Expressive Creative Arts

Dr. Serroc's Hat

Dr. Serroc's Hat by Douglas Sharp